Spiritual direction is the process of accompanying a person on a spiritual journey. Spiritual direction exists in a context that emphasizes growing closer to God and to Christ and seeking holiness.

The process might be described as, “two sets of ears listening together…to God’s voice.” Simply put, spiritual direction is helping people to tell their sacred stories, their experiences of God in everyday life. The director helps the one being directed (the,”directee”) to unpack the experiences of prayer, finding all the gifts and graces that God desires to give. The director also helps the directee heighten awareness of any behaviors or practices that might not be life-giving, might not be leading toward God.

There is never domination from the director in this process. The directee must be free to express his or her thoughts, feelings, and the movements of the heart, and the director follows this lead. “Be yourself,” is a good guideline for receiving direction. As we continue to meet with our spiritual director, we seek to expand our experiences of the Lord, moving into a seamless recognition of him each moment of the day. He then becomes a part of each experience and relationship that we have. The spiritual director helps the directee stay on this path of ongoing discernment of God in daily life.

He or she helps the directee discover forms of prayer that enhance and deepen this journey with God while providing support and encouragement all along the way.

Listed below are some lay spiritual directors – in the Ignatian Tradition – in this area.

For those looking for spiritual directors beyond this geographical area of Acadiana, you may contact the Jesuit Province website which is jesuitscentralsouthern.com.

Acadia–Evangeline–St. Landry Areas

Simone Dubois
(337) 788-5129 (H)
St. Michael, Crowley

Jimmy Dauzat
(337) 662-5410 OLO
(337) 945-2543 cell
St. Charles Borromeo, Grand Coteau

Don Mayeux
(337) 457-9610 H (337) 457-7624
St. Thomas More, Eunice

Dr. Reginald Segar
(337) 546-0424 O (337) 298-1772 cell
St. Anthony Church, Eunice

Renee Taylor
(337) 322-5590 cell
St. Charles Borromeo, Grand Coteau

Lafayette Area

Peggy Abshire
(337) 984-4606 H
(337) 278-2383 cell
St. Edmond

Lyn Doucet
(337) 898-9468 H
Leave detailed message
St. Joseph

Della Harrington
(337) 981-6731 cell
(337) 988-4181 O
Holy Cross

Sharon O’Neill
(337) 237-3924 H
(337) 288-9189
Our Lady of Wisdom

John Schexnaildre
(337) 981-2946 H
(337) 654-9671 cell
Holy Cross Church

Patti Clement
(225) 388-9840 H
(225) 938-4264 cell
St. Aloysius, Baton Rouge